FDLE link for Guide to retrieving public records.

How may I make a public records request?

Requests may be made by contacting FDLE’s Office of General Counsel by phone at 850-410-7676, by email atpublicrecords@fdle.state.fl.us, by fax at 850-410-7699,contacting any of the FDLE offices and submitting the public records request in person, and in writing to:

Florida Deprtment of Law Enforcement

Attn: Office of General Counsel

P.O. Box 1489

Tallahassee, FL 32302-1489

Must my request be in writing?

No. Public records requests do not have to be made in writing unless specifically required bystatute. However, FDLE receives many public records requests and to help us better focus onsecuring the records you seek, weask you to voluntarily make your request in writing. This provides us with specific details of what you seek, and helps us provide you a pertinent andaccurate response. Providing the request in writing means precisely what you are seeking is defined. It is good practice to be as specific and precise as you can when making a public records request.